Monday, January 21, 2008

GMAT Math Study Strategy

Although I have a Engineering/Science background, over the past 6 years, my math is rusty. As I look at most problems, I feel that I "almost know the answer" but cannot quite "get it". For now, I've decided I'm going to get all my math concepts right, first, and then proceed with problem solving.

Here is the strategy that I'm following:
  • I use the Green Quantitative OG book as my guide for sections to study. This book has basic information on each topic.
  • For each topic, I go through the following books for lists of formula's and understanding of concepts:
    • Green Quantitative OG book)
    • Barrons GRE (yes, you read correct: I use a GRE book for the math concepts since they have more details and formula's compared to any other GMAT book I was able to find)
    • Barrons GMAT
    • Kaplans Premier GMAT
  • For each topic, write the formula's on a sheet of paper. Make separate sheets for different topics, so you can add to the topic later.
  • Do not just write formula's. Understand the concept as well.
  • Lastly, spend a few minutes everyday revising the formula's you have written. By the time you're ready for the GMAT they must be a part of your bloodstream!


Mo Zhou said...

hmmm... if you have an engineering background. I'd suggest take the eval test at the beginning of OG before you spend too much time on it. I don't know how good is your Verbal. I found verbal section demands a lot more effort from me, especially Sentence Correction. So if you have an engineering background, I suspect your weak spot will not be in math. Sufficient energy allocation :P Do math when you are tired of doing tons of tons of SC problems, reading difficult RC problems for fun. But like I said do the eval first, so you know what you need to work on the most.

JulyDream said...

I found the Kaplan Quantitative Review book to be quite helpful! I reviewed everything and did every practice problem before I dove into the OG Quant problems.

MBA Monk said...

Thanks for your comments happybunny and paige.

HappyBunny: I did do some evaluation questions before I started studying full-time and found that I made many more mistakes in math, as compared to SC/CR. Hence I decided to start with math, and get the basics right first. I have not done RC yet, but will do that before I go too deep in any section.

paige: I'll certainly check this book out. Thanks!

gmat800master said...

I personally did not like the Kaplan Quantitative review book. I did like Kaplan 800 as it had some excellent questions and suggestions.

I also found the GMAT math fomualas page helpful.

One other thing: I also found the Manhattan GMAT number properties helpful for mastering some difficult math concepts that I have forgotten (here at Amazon).