Saturday, July 12, 2008

GMAT Day coming soon

So I've not posted on the blog for a while. Mainly because there was not much to post on the MBA front. A lot of stuff going on at work which is exciting and I'll update y'all on that soon.

GMAT: I am giving the exam at the end of this month. Although I feel I've studied enough, I am not feeling confident. I am averaging between 600-700 on most tests that I've taken so far (Kaplan and MGMAT). I know their scores are sort of scaled down so I'm not so worried about the score anymore. As long as I make it around the 750 mark on the real deal I'll be happy.

However, for the past 2 weeks I've really slacked on studying. Just do not feel like it. If x = y+2 is x divisible by 4? I really don't give a rats ass anymore :(

I've also started having thoughts that I'm not ready for the exam yet and I need to study more. Which makes me feel I need to reschedule the GMAT. I know, bad idea. But I've not written an exam in so many years...

Maybe the right thing to do for the next 2-3 weeks is focus on studying from the Kaplan 800, take (and retake) the GMATPrep tests and in general just go over the problems I found hard during my studying.

I'm not sure what I just rambled, but this is my braindump. Feeling sorta scared and low...


Starwalker said...

Hey monk.. you're doing well on the mocks. Apathy is not only natural, its pretty common.... I'm fighting it in my essays phase right now. Stick to it, and you'll be fine. I'm always for taking the GMATPrep tests more often than you think are helpful, its the best prep there is

MBA Monk said...


Thanks a lot for the comments and encouragement. I really needed it today.

I'm going to follow the plan I have currently and keep at it.

Good luck to you as well!

Mo Zhou said...


tinydancer said...

good luck!!

MBA Monk said...

happybunny and tinydancer: Thank you!